Monday 13 April 2015


Giving justifications was leading me astray from myself. I was becoming more and more irresponsible day by day thinking that I'll be on the track when I'll do the work I love. Just because I didn't care about something doesn't mean I should have no sense of responsibility. Lack of responsibility was being my way of life. I was enjoying the state of being; but actually it was making me lazy, deprived of my duties. I hadn't started preparations for the exam.

All I used to do was pretending in front of parents that I was studying. Only sitting at one place and daydreaming that one day will be my day. Picturing in my mind and drawing it on paper about what I want to become one day, I was wasting my time. Daydreaming is not a bad thing; but doing anything in excess is. All I ever did was find different ways waste time and finish the day. Parents were feeding me, so there was nothing to worry about. But I was blaming them for not supporting me in my endeavors. I didn't know how all this will turn out, because I surrendered myself to instant gratification.

I used to see the big picture of my life, of my business; but what about the present day? One day or another, I had faced my own karma. Everything was going to turn around. Every action had consequences. But as Steve Jobs said, we can't connect the dots by looking into the future. I was unaware of the fact that every dot will be connected even if I act irresponsibly. At the present moment, we have no idea of how this will turn out. So what's in our hands right now is to do the work sincerely and honestly. This is what we realize when the time is gone.

Easier said than done. What about implementation? When the habit gets into the head, it gets very difficult to get rid of it and install a new, healthy habit. The mind is so powerful that once gets conditioned, it is very difficult to recondition. It is attracted to bad things easily, indirectly, to bad habits easily. The only way to recondition it is through hard work. It actually takes work. Otherwise, it is always the karma which decides everything. It is up to us, what face and what not to. Karma is nothing but a choice, a conscious decision. The moment of truth hurts more on the day when everything turns around than the pleasure in days of solace. Only regrets remain and we have to accept that and move on.


This post is also a part of Ultimate Blog Challenge and A to Z Challenge
Today's letter is 'K'.

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(Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at


  1. I love the idea of karma. That if we put out goodness in the world it'll come back.

    Good luck with the 2015 A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

    1. Absolutely right..!!
      Thank you so much for visiting..!! :)
