Tuesday 14 April 2015


When there is no inspiration, the motivation is futile. Because, inspiration occurs from within, from inside to outside, but motivation comes from outside to inside. If we are not driven by a purpose, we just wander on the whole football pitch, not knowing where to score. My situation was something opposite of this. I knew where the goal is, but no inspiration to score. No inspiration to run, pass and score. I had to pass all the subjects, but didn’t feel like studying. I found no purpose in passing the exam though it was my final year. It was the most important phase of my career. If I start right, it can save a lot of efforts in the later stages of life.

But what if we have no inspiration to start? What if we have no purpose? It was the basic thing. Just complete the graduation and then think what to do. I lost the interest in completing the graduation at that point of time and I didn’t know why? I tried different methods to focus on studies and not on everything else, but I used to get distracted by small things. It was like I was trying to find ways not to study.

On the other hand, I tried to test the idea of my business on few people. I went to my college with my friend who was invited to give a motivational speech. Some of his friends attended the same whom I didn’t know. It was an opportunity for me to test my idea on strangers. I took it. I told them about themselves from their smiles, took their feedback and made some new friends. They were more interested in knowing how I got the idea in the first place.

It is always enchanting to tell the stories that are original, which made a big impact on your life. The process was spontaneous. I didn’t want any motivation for that. I wanted to tell them more and more. How this will benefit them in many ways? Why they should recommend this to their friends? Due to time constrain, I couldn’t give them everything I had to offer. The feeling of something holding inside was making me sick. I never wanted something in return, only wanted to give everything I had inside. I just wanted get everything out. I could not keep it inside. I wanted to share the special gifts. The external motivation was no matter, because I was inspired by a purpose bigger than myself. The purpose by which, not only me but also others were benefited from it. The source of this inspiration was nothing but love for the idea, because it was making the world better.


This post is also a part of Ultimate Blog Challenge and A to Z Challenge
Today's letter is 'L'.

To know more about yourself from your smile, send me photo of your smile. I respect your privacy, so I assure you that your identity will not be revealed anywhere. And this service is absolutely free!!
Email Id. - iwantsmileforme@gmail.com

(Image courtesy of phanlop88 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

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